Minimize the amount of info you are digesting - It will slow you down
Ask yourself - Do I want to get started or do I want to be perfect from the get-go?
Basic structure is essential. However, if you are like me, you might tend to wanting all the info right now.
STOP right there. This will slow you down and will likely put the emergency break on full force. Trusting a methodology and simplifing the process WHILE you learn is by far the best and most effective way to get that ball rolling.
The info contained inside of this affiliate offering is wise and simplified for complete newbies - like me.
Of my 2 favorite places to start - this is one of them. (check out my list of great examples of those you should follow) Dean Holland has and is doing what he teaches and he does it well and orderly.
Let's get something straight. I'm new at this. Dean is NOT.
My quest with this observation is simple. Learn from those that are doing it and then move on from there.